Dwarven Battle Axe From The Hobbit
The Hobbit: An Unexpected journey follows the journey of Bilbo Baggins, who is unexpectedly swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor which was long ago conqured by the dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the Wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of 13 Dwarves led by the legendary warrior, Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the wild through treacherous lands swarming with goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and giant spiders, shoplifters and sorcerers! Gloin The Dwarf will need his Axe! Join the company of Dwarfs in BATTLE!!
4 + made with foam and plastic
35 cm long and 15 cm wide at blade.